When installing an award update, there are several options provided to users that allows them to 'tailor' the update according to their specific needs.

The full list of options are as follows:

  • Update rule sets;
  • Preserve custom rules: will only appear if custom rules have been created and activated within the award's pay condition rule set and the option 'Update rule sets' is set to "Yes";
  • Preserve disabled rules: will only appear if one or more rule within the award's pay condition rule set has been deactivated (this does not include custom rules that have been deactivated);
  • Update pay rates;
  • Re-apply leave allowance templates to linked employees;
  • Preserve custom work types: will only appear if an award work type setting has been customised;
  • Preserve custom leave allowance templates: will only appear if an award leave allowance template setting has been customised;
  • Preserve custom pay categories: will only appear if an award pay category setting has been customised. This also includes retaining the custom setting is a "Allowance - Other" pay category description has been added;
  • Preserve custom rule set period: will only appear if the rule set period pertaining to an award pay condition rule set has been customised.

The above options are explained in detail below. N.B. The default value for all options is set to "Yes" so ensure you review each option before clicking on the "Install" button as you cannot revert the installation once it commences.

Also note that each award update will explain what exactly is being updated so make sure to read the update notes to ensure full understanding of what is involved in the update before configuring your update options and clicking on the "Install" button.

For a more detailed explanation of each option and how the award is managed, please refer Options provided when installing award updates