Forgetting a password may be a common occurrence and can be frustrating when we cannot access online accounts. Fortunately, resetting a password is a simple process. 

Forgot Password
  1. Tap the Email me a Magic Login Link button.
  2. Enter your email address and tap the Email me a Magic Login Link button.
  3. Open your email account and tap the Log in to Swag button.
  4. Enter a new 6-digit password code.
  5. Re-enter the 6-digit password code.
Reset your 2-factor authentication code
  1. Tap the Request to Reset your 2-Factor Authentication button.
  2. Tap the Got It button, which will confirm that an email will be sent to your email account.
  3. Open your email account, select the reset email, and tap the Reset 2-Factor Authentication button.
  4. Enter your recovery question and tap the Reset button.
  5. Tap the Got It button.