What is Swag?
The Swag app will disrupt the employment market by helping people find work, manage work, grow their income, get paid and save - all from one place.
Why do I have to download the Swag app?
This is step one in a beta programme to bring more functionality to their apps.
Have I lost any functionality?
No. Swag retains all existing functionality, while adding some exciting new features.
Can I still use my existing app?
It still functions for the time being, but being part of this beta trial means they are offering you the chance to use this instead.
How do I reset my password?
When you click to log in there is a link to be sent a magic link to your email address. This must be the same email address that you use to log into your payroll account online.
Why can I not see timesheets/payslips/leave balances or leave types?
This is likely because their organisations systems admin has turned off this feature, they need to check with their organisations system admin. If you have admin access, you can change this in the employee portal.