Determine leave categories you wish to display on Pay Slips
How to add a new employee to Ezipay using the Self Setup option.
This article will provide assistance in setting up an employee
Create scenarios within pay condition rules in Ezipay
How to set up users with Full or Restricted Administration access
How to add or edit the Public Holiday Calendar in Ezipay
Use pay categories to define pay rates and simplify management of employee pay rates
Use pay schedules to control pay run processing and employee payments for many different settings
How to Update the pay rate templates if you have changes to make to the award rates
Correct any errors in leave accruals due to the SG rate increase in July 2021
2FA provides an additional layer of security for your account
How to set up Ezipay so that system emails are not picked up as junk mail.
It is important to note that nowhere else in Ezipay can RFB can be added except via a Single Touch Payroll event.
How to set up the payslip company logo in Ezipay
This article outlines how to ensure all necessary items are included in an employee's pay run and an overview of the different types of payments that can be included, such as regular wages, bonuses, and allowances, and information on how to calculate the total amount to be paid to the employee.
A guide on how to create and manage Employee Groups in Ezipay granting certain privileges to certain employees.
Instruction on how to upload Documents in Ezipay visible to specific Employee Groups
A brief guide on how to update your business's superannuation bank account details
How to input hours for Part-time Employees in Ezipay
An overview on how to manually update rates in the Pay Rate Template